The Liberia Macroeconomics Policy Analysis Center (LIMPAC), the national Think Tank of the Republic of Liberia participated in the sixth (6) Africa Think Tanks Summit in Nairobi, Kenya.
The sixth (6th) Africa Think Tank Summit which was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 24th to 26th April 2019 brought together several think tanks from across the continent as well as other research-based institutions to discuss the growth and challenges facing the continent.
The Summit was a high-level continental forum which attracted the community of over fifty (50) African think tanks, development practitioners, and experts interested in Africa’s development agenda.
The summit provided a platform for sharing information, exchanging of ideas, and promoting partnerships among think tanks to enhance their effectiveness individually and collectively while developing informed solutions to the pressing development challenges facing Africa.
The summit was organized by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) in collaboration with key continental and global development partners.
The summit focused on “Tackling Implementation Challenges for Africa’s Sustainable Development. Stated, Mr. Joe Garmondyu Greaves, the Liberian representative at the summit”.
Adding on Mr. Greaves who is a Policy Research Associate at the Liberia Macroeconomics Policy Analysis Center comment on the objective of the summit.
“The main objective of this year’s summit was to discuss and make actionable recommendations on how think tanks, in view of their role in conducting research, providing advice, building capacity and advocating for change, can support policy implementation in Africa.”
About the Liberian Representative at the summit
Mr. Joe Garmondyu Greaves is researcher in Economics and scholar with vast knowledge in the applications of statistical packages for research. Mr. Greaves holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics (with reference in Mathematics) from the University of Liberia and a Master of Science in Quantitative Economics from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China.
He has also published two empirical research papers in two international journals. Currently, he serves as a Policy Research Associate at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and has contributed to some important domestic policy brief papers as well made contributions to technical working groups within the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning.
His research interest includes Quantitative and Qualitative research in Economics and Social Sciences; Applied Econometrics; Time Series Applications to real world data modeling; Regression Analysis of Panel and Cross-Sectional Data; Statistical Test of Time Series; Panel and Cross- Sectional data; Econometrics Theory and Statistical Methods to solve problem. Mr. Greaves recently submitted a policy brief paper on “The Systematic Strategy in Improving Vehicles Maintenance to help reduce cost in Central Government in Liberia”. Also, he submitted an article, “Do Retail Gasoline Price Fluctuations have any significant impact on the macroeconomy of Liberia: An evidence of Restricted VAR.”
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